“Hey what’s up y’all, it’s Dee! I am so excited and proud of my self for myWeight Loss TRANSFORMATION. Your girl has lost 12LBS! 💪”
(Without ever stepping into a gym )
I have lost 12Lbs! It’s not about losing weight to look skinny, it was about my overall health.
Why I wanted to
lose weight?
I’ve been trying to lose weight for some time. I went to get my body fat percentage tested and It was so high! So,
I needed to lose body fat to be in a healthy state. I finally got serious and the BodyBoss guide has been a GREAT help. I feel so much better mentally, physically, emotionally. It’s not just about losing weight to small or skinny, but it’s about your overall health.I wanted to show you guys how I do the BodyBoss workouts! I’m continuously improving my form and I’m still getting a GREAT workout in. Just follow the instructions, do your best and you’ll improve over time.

Which guidesdid I choose?
I choose the Fitness+Nutrition guides. My first goal was to lose weight and do that while exercising at home, but I also definitely wanted to change my diet and watch my calories. I just wanted a quick easy way to get into healthy eating without having to do tons of researches online.

- 150+ delicious & easy healthy recipes
- Unlock the power of Superfoods
- Learn healthy eating habits
- Each day includes 3 meals & 2 snacks
- Free Smoothie Recipe Book
Combine The Ultimate Body Fitness Guide with the Superfood Nutrition Guide to maximise results: first visible results in just 2 weeks!
How did thetraining go?
I realized the training was structured to do really intense workouts in a short period of time to maximize fat loss, I always tried to do my best to keep my heart rate up and to unlock my BossEffect. I was surprised I could always train and get my results, despite not having to go to the gym and invest very long time.
I also understood the importance of a proper warm and a good stretching, it was amazing that the guide highlighted exactly the kind of warm up needed for each training section. I could see the improvements also during the stretching, I gained more elasticity throughout the weeks.
What did I like
about the program?
Clearly, the fact that the program was made to be done at home was a big plus. I find the program extremely rich in details, and it saved me a lot of time from having to go online and check youtube tutorials. But, I knew there were available tutorials on the website itself.

Join Dee and millions of other babes
on their fitness journey!What were my bestVictories?
How has the community
helped me?
The community has always been there from day 1. They motivated me to start and stick to the schedule, they were there to celebrate with me and answer my questions. But, I was there to encourage others too and celebrate their victories. One for all, all for one!
This is the new
Dee Shanell!(Drag the arrow to see comparison)

Fitness & Nutrition Bundle
- Best value for maximum results
- All you need to transform your body
- Full 12 Week Fitness Guide
- Full 12 Week Nutrition Guide
- BONUS: FREE 4 Week Pre-Training
- BONUS: Free Smoothie Recipe Book